Technozyme-AN is a specially formulated blend of micro organisms, macro/ micro nutrients exclusively containing facultative anaerobic bacteria which can grow over a wide temperature range of 5°C to 55°C.
Technozyme-AN when added to waste water treatment systems, immediately begin to secrete enzymes that digest and decompose fats, proteins, starch surfactants and other organic wastes to simpler compounds. This enzyme provides to degrade extra cellular polymers and supress growth of filamentous bacteria. It improves methane production by changing fats, oils and grease into carbon dioxide and small volatile acids

Mode Of Action:

Technozyme-AN degrades organic & inorganic solids that cause obnoxious odors into odorless compounds 

  •  Fats to glycerol & fatty acids
  • Cellulose to starch & sugars 
  •  Proteins to amino acids 
  •  Starch to glucose
  • Pharmaceuticals, Chemical industries
  • Dairy & Milk processing industries
  • Pesticides & Fertilizers industries
  • Sugar & Distillery
  • Paper & Pulp industry
  • Food processing industry
Advantages :
  • Helps to establish biomass capable of handling high organic loads.
  • Improves biomethanation activity hence methane production.
  • Prevents blocking, ponding and possible collapse of filter bed/ media.
  • Reduces oil, grease and fats accumulation.
  • Improves rapid recovery time from upsets.
  • Enhances BOD, COD removal with improvement in sludge settlement.
  • Changes Biomass Dynamics.
  • Cost effective & easy to use.
Product Specifications :
  • Appearance : Available in Powder form
  • Bacterial Count : Probiotic blend of high potency
  • Enzyme Production : Protease, Lipase, Amylase, Urease, Cellulase, Nitrate Reductase
  • pH range : 5.5 – 9.5
  • Temperature Range : 5°C – 55°C
  • Shelf life : 2 years from date of manufacturing
Storage & Handling :
  • Product can be stored at room temperature & under dry conditions.
  • Wash hands thoroughly with warm, soapy water after handling.